東京大学物性研究所では、理⼯系の研究分野で現在少数である女性研究者のより一層の活躍及び割合増加をサポートするため、2021年度よりISSP Women’s weekというイベントを開催しています。 この期間中には通常の部門・施設セミナーの講師として女性研究者の方々に登壇していただく他、研究交流会等のイベントも開催し男女問わず学びやすく働きやすい場を作っていくための議論の機会を提供します。皆さま是非ご参加下さい。
生物物理セミナー 11/22(金) 14:00-15:00 (Room A454+ZOOM)
上⽥唯花さん(大阪大学/JSPS Young Research Fellow)
“Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics approach to cellular homeostasis and adaptability /細胞ホメオスタシス・適応性における熱統計力学”
Abstract: Tensional homeostasis is a crucial cellular process that maintains tissue integrity and function by enabling cells to adapt to mechanical cues from their environment. This regulation of intracellular tension supports essential physiological processes such as tissue development, wound healing, and organ maintenance. Understanding the physical mechanisms underlying cellular homeostasis and adaptability is vital for advancing cell biology, particularly in the field of mechanobiology. From a thermodynamic and statistical mechanics perspective, we explore how cells maintain stability and adapt to mechanical stress. Specifically, this study investigates the cellular system comprising nonmuscle actin and myosin as an adaptive component of cellular mechanics. While our approach focuses on fundamental factors due to the inherent complexity of cellular systems, it provides a theoretical framework for understanding the intricate homeostatic and adaptive behaviors of cells.
「やっぱり物理が好き!」~物理に進んだ女子学生・院⽣のキャリア~ 11/23(土)
強磁場コラボラトリーセミナー 11/28(木) 11:00-:1200 (ZOOM)
概要: 有機化合物のπ電子スピンは、電子スピンの量子力学的性質が顕著に表れる特徴を持つ。スピン密度が、π共役系を介して分子全体に拡がる特徴を利用して、結晶中のスピン空間構造を制御できる。本セミナーでは、こうした背景とともに、最近の研究成果として、次近接相互作用を持つ反強磁性スピンラダーの温度-磁場相図とスピン液体相、飽和磁場近傍に現れる非自明磁気相、フラストレート二次元磁性体の磁場中磁気状態などを紹介する。また、ライフステージを振り返り、男女共同参画推進事業との関わりなどについても触れる。
ISSP women’s week 研究交流会 12/3(火)、12/4(水) (大講義室+ZOOM)
A workshop on ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (APXPS) 12/3(火)-6(金) (東北大)
The workshop brings together researchers and students to share and learn about the latest discoveries using APXPS technology in a wide range of research fields, including electrochemistry, interface science, catalysis and materials science. The workshop will include lectures by plenary, invited and contributing speakers, poster sessions, commercial sponsorship sessions and synchrotron visits.
理論セミナー 12/5(木) 15:30-16:30 (ZOOM)
Sonia Haddad氏 (Universite Tunis El Manar)
“Altermagnetism from electronic correlations”
Abstract: Altermagnetism has recently been proposed as a third class of magnetic materials. Altermagnetic materials are characterized by a vanishing net magnetic moment and a spin polarized electronic band structure. Their symmetry in principle allows for the existence of an anomalous Hall effect. Altermagnetic materials are characterized by a vanishing net magnetic moment and a spin polarized electronic band structure. In this talk, we introduce a model with altermagnetism in which the emergence of an anomalous Hall effect is driven by interactions. This model is grounded in a modified Kane-Mele framework with antiferromagnetic spin-spin correlations. Quantum Monte Carlo simulations show that the system undergoes a finite temperature phase transition governed by a primary antiferromagnetic order parameter accompanied by a secondary one of Haldane type. The emergence of both orders turns the metallic state of the system, away from half-filling, to an altermagnet with a finite anomalous Hall conductivity [1]. A mean field ansatz corroborates these results, which pave the way into the study of correlation induced altermagnets with finite Berry curvature. [1] Sato et al., Phys Rev. Lett. 133, 086503 (2024)